The Anti Girlboss Socialist Club
We are a Marxist, anti-imperialist, abolitionist feminist podcast. Will throw fascists and liberals off the glass ceiling any day.
Show Team
Paniz Khosroshahy
Paniz Khosroshahy
Paniz spends most of her time working with her union (CUPE 1281) and the Law Union of Ontario, and/or catching up with readings for her Marxist-feminist theory reading group. Paniz is also a competitive powerlifter, plays roller derby, and does park skating. She majored in women’s studies and currently, in her free time, is an articling student at a law firm. Find her on Twitter @panizkhosro
Tamsyn Riddle
Tamsyn Riddle
Wheatpaste connoisseur, activist, abolitionist feminist, co-host.